Thursday, February 25th
Luke 13:3 - Written by Molly Tyler
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Luke 13:3
Instant regret. Conviction swelled, as “I can’t believe I did that!” echoed in my mind over and over and over. As Satan grasped my ear and filled my mind with lies, I questioned if I could move forward in my walk with Christ. He tempted me to believe I ruined the life God planned for me.
Painfully aware of my brokenness, I cried “Lord, I am shameful - I desperately beg of you to take my shame, my dirt, my brokenness and make me whole.” My soul was withered, longing for restoration. Repentance is more than saying I’m sorry to God, but an honest, authentic, and vulnerable acknowledgment to Christ you accept His free and gracious forgiveness, and working intentionally with Him to banish sin, banish lies, and overcome the wreckage sin tries to bring.
Through the Lord’s redemptive, perfect grace, my broken heart transformed and I heard echoes of “I can’t believe God loves me so much. I can’t believe His grace is this perfect.”
Where the devil sought to destroy me has sprung a deeper relationship with Christ, and further joy as my soul is made new. Until we boldly stand before our Creator with naked souls and open hearts, we will never move forward from the death our sin binds us to. Repent and you will not perish but live life the full as Christ Jesus intended.
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